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Work With Michelle

The integration of consciousness and ongoing implementation of the Mastery process encourages us to see ourselves clearly, accept responsibility for our choices and take inspired action. Through this, we can meet perceived obstacles and navigate challenges with insight, creative power, wisdom, truth, and grace.

What develops is an intimate relationship of trust in oneself that empowers us to realize our true potential and embody the fullest expression of who we are and who we are inspired to become, so we can experience natural peace, vitality, and love.  


1 on 1
Mastery Coaching

New beginnings are also invitations and opportunities to go inward and get really clear about who you are, how you are living your life, and what you truly want to experience moving forward. In moments like this, you are being called to stretch into all that is possible with greater levels of awareness, connection, and responsibility for your quality of life. 

You always have a choice, conscious or unconscious, of staying in your comfort zone or taking the leap.

Your power is in your choice

Coaching Classes

The magicking classes are specific to intuitive development, whole self love, holistic wellness, renewal after transition, and clear direction and expanded visibility in business.

Each class is intended to boost your metaphysical skills for conscious results. Join us and discover how to realize natural abundance, vitality, power, and fulfillment.

Soulemergence Mentorship

True self-acceptance and whole (or well) being can only be experienced through the expanded level of consciousness that is your Soul nature.

A 6-month mentorship for Soul-sourced entrepreneurs ready to stop hiding, amplify your visibility, and fully express your creative power. You will learn how to integrate your spiritual + human nature by actively resourcing the Formula for Personal Magic: Intuition + Alchemy = Inspired Outcomes, so you can honor your Soul’s call and catalyze individual and collective transformation and wellness.


This is your invitation and opportunity to go inward and get really clear about who you are, how you are living your life, and what you truly want to experience moving forward.  In moments like this, you are being called to take inspired action. 

You always have the choice, conscious or unconscious, of staying in your comfort zone or taking the leap. 

Your power is in your choice…


In times of massive change, challenge, and uncertainty our mind and body experience stress that can be destabilizing. These programs are intended to support you at every stage, so you have the foundation to harmonize your energy and move forward with clarity, confidence, and a renewed sense of well-being.